Counselling and Counselling Centre
Our NGO is dedicated to providing expert counselling services to the differently abled. We always see that people with disabilities often face unique challenges and need special help to overcome them. Our Counselling and Counselling Centre provides them with the support and guidance they need to lead a fulfilling life. Emotional support is provided, practical guidance and skills are imparted in dealing with strategies on how to overcome the challenges they face.

Our counselling services are available to people with disabilities of all ages. We provide individual, group, and family counselling, as well as a range of therapeutic intervention services, including cognitive-behavioural therapy, mindfulness, and art therapy.
Individuals with disabilities can fully participate in our counselling sessions as their specific needs and preferences are taken into account while developing treatment plans. Overall, our NGO’s counselling services provide people with disabilities with the support and guidance they need to overcome the challenges they face and achieve their full potential. We are committed to promoting the rights and dignity of people with disabilities and helping them lead full, meaningful lives.
Empowering Through Counseling: Supporting the Differently Abled Community
Counselling services tailored to the needs of the differently abled community play a pivotal role in fostering empowerment, emotional well-being, and holistic development. These specialized services offer individuals with disabilities a safe and supportive environment to address their unique challenges, explore their strengths, and develop coping strategies to navigate various life transitions.
Professional Counselling equipped with knowledge and sensitivity towards disability-related issues provide personalized support to individuals with diverse abilities, including physical, sensory, cognitive, and developmental disabilities. Through individual or group counseling sessions, they address a wide range of concerns, such as self-esteem issues, social isolation, anxiety, depression, adjustment to disability, and interpersonal relationships.

Counselling interventions for the differently abled often focus on promoting self-acceptance, enhancing self-advocacy skills, fostering resilience, and facilitating the process of adjustment and adaptation to disability-related changes. Additionally, counselors collaborate with clients to set achievable goals, explore vocational interests, and develop strategies for independent living.

Moreover, Counselling services extend beyond the individual to include support for families and caregivers of individuals with disabilities. Family counseling helps improve communication, strengthen familial bonds, and develop strategies for providing effective support and advocacy.
By offering inclusive and accessible counseling services, communities can empower individuals with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives, pursue their aspirations, and actively participate in society. These services embody the principles of equity, dignity, and respect, reaffirming the value and potential of every individual, regardless of their abilities.